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Targeted Re-Assessment



At A Glance

  • a re-assessment 1-3 months after initial assessment

  • targets only 2-3 areas that you have chosen.

  • quick and easy, takes only 2-3 min response time

  • can be self interpreted… no additional training event required

  • no extra charge (included in initial price)

  • for every ATL feedback tool (except DISC where there is no need)


... is our term for an additional feature we offer with our feedback tools. It an additional follow up feedback report that enables the user to accurately track progress over time. It is included at no extra charge


Here's how it works ... after the initial report an individual (or the team, depending on the report) prioritizes a few key areas to focus on for improvement. A bit down the road, within 1-3 months, feedback is again collected but this time only on the few targeted areas chosen. The recipient thus gets clear feedback on areas they have previously identified for improvment.

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