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For Leaders

 at a glance

Adaptive Coaching Styles for Leaders Â©

  Developing Talent in Others


The missing piece to reaching lofty team goals, is often effective one on one coaching. To lead others to greater individual performance, it's important to interact in a way that best matches the individual's current need (ie - performance in that particular task), and not based on a coach's style preference.  


The Adaptive Coaching Workshop© provides an ‘organized common sense’ strategy for reading and responding to a wide range of needs. You’ll find the content easy to understand and apply… and leave with a personalized coaching plan for each individual you coach.


  • 1/2 day to 2 full days

  • For Leaders or Team Members that coach or influence

  • Feedback Tool: Adaptive Coach 360

  • Location: on site, off site of your choice

  • Follow Up Support

Adaptive Leader - 360©

  Feedback Tool & Workshop


Identifies a leader's CURRENT degree of Over & Under Use


The AL-360© is quick and easy yet provides you a rare look into how well your style matches with the situations you are leading now.


The 4 Roles of Adaptive Team Leadership ©


This workshop will help you see 4 distinct leadership roles, that directly correspond to core team needs, and when they are most needed. Many leaders tend to have a favorite gear that they ride no matter the situation. You’ll see where your team is now (Team Alignment Scorecard ©) and how to best adapt you match their current needs.


  • 1 to 2 days

  • For mid to senior level managers (can be adapted for new leaders)

  • Feedback Tool: Team Alignment Scorecard©

  • Follow Up Support

  • Location: on site, off site of your choice, or Triangle Training Center

  • Max Class size: 20 (10-1 Trainer to Participant ratio)

  • Tuition: depends on details chosen

Adaptive Leadership Program © at Triangle Training Center


A 3-4 day leadership workshop rich in feedback, experiential learning, and follow up support


Spend a few days in a serene environment reflecting on your leadership approach and impact. Chart your way forward with new insights, perspectives and commitments.


  • 4 Days

  • For Mid to Senior Level Managers

  • 4 insightful Feedback Tools

    • DISC

    • Team Alignment Scorecard

    • Adaptive Leader 360

    • Adaptive Coach 360

  • 3 Months of Follow Up Support

  • 2015 Tuition (4 day) : $3,350 (includes food, not lodging)

  • Max class size 20 (10 -1 Participant to Trainer ratio)

  • Location: Triangle Training Center, Pittsboro, NC (10 miles south of Chapel Hill, NC)


Bring the ALP to your city ... This program can also travel to your city and location, and will have slight adjustments in the experiential activities utilized.

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© 2017 Adaptive Team Leadership

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