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Workshops - at a glance

DISCovering Style and Values 

 Workshop 1 - Personal Focus


Built around the DISC profile and Values Clarification… this workshop has a strong personal focus. You’ll have an in-depth look into your personal behavioral style. You’ll also clarify the values that drive your behavior and how that matches or conflicts with your current situation. You’ll leave with a strategy to bridge the gaps between your personal preferences and your work challenges.

  • half to full day

  • For any level

  • maximum class size 24

  • Location: on or off site


Adapting to Differing Styles

  Harness the Power of Diversity on Your Team 

 Workshop 2 - Interpersonal Focus


You'll better understand others and learn valuable strateties for building rapport with contrasting styles. Learn what makes others tick and how your style can impact others. Learn to read styles and see differences between you and your coworkers in a new light. Build a common language around behavior preferences that builds greater understanding and appreciation.

  • half day to full day

  • for any level

  • on or off site

Build on DISC with

ATL Assessments

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