Team Leadership
Minor Adjustments. Major Impact.
practical, integrated, original
feedback tools, workshops, & on-going support
for leaders, teams, & consultants

Adapting to Thrive - Leadership Series
Lunch & Learn Series - Fall '15
11:30 - 1:30 (program starts at 12:00)
$35 - catered lunch and workbook included
The Frontier (RTP)
800 Park Offices Drive, RTP 27709
Thurs Oct 1, 2015
Adaptive Coaching Styles
for Leaders ©
Thurs Nov 5, 2015
Conversations ©
Thur Dec 10, 2015
Adaptive Team Leadership Strategies ©

Developing Talent In Others
Leadership involves getting results through others... not just via teams, but through coaching individuals as well.
To lead individuals effectively over time, flexiblity is a must. A one sized coaching approach certainly does not fit all.
This workshop will introduce a new and simple framework that you'll recognize as 'organized common sense'. It will guide you to more effectively adjust your approach as you mentor / coach the individuals you lead.
We'll discuss important shifts between:
Coaching Styles:
Coaching Focus:
Break Through Conflict with Respect
Conflict is inevitable, and over time will make or break any team or any leader. Our response determines whether conflict becomes our liability or our asset.
Handled poorly it will splinter or disengage those around us, yet handed well can build the trust and inclusion needed to reach key goals. .
This workshop will offer simple and proven principles for turning conflict into opportunity.
We'll discuss both constructive and destructive actions within each of these 4 steps:
Go (to the source)
Ask (to Learn)
Tell (your story)
Find (common high ground) .
Balancing 6 Complementary Skill Sets
Leadership weaknesses are often the 'Over Use' of traits that at other times are strengths.
That means that the same behavior that was a valuable asset last week, may this week be a limitation. Timing, intensity, and the ability to balance are important.
Re-balancing an Over Used trait is not just doing less of it ... rather, more effectively it's learning to do more of the complement / it's opposite.
This workshop will look at balancing 6 pairs of complementary Skill Sets that help a leader stay relevant to the shifting needs of teams and organizations.
'Sets Direction' & 'Listens' is one of the 6 pairs. Both are better together than when isolated. Too much of either is a liability, yet they both can enhance the other when used effectively.